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I TIMOTHY 5:17-19
Andres C. Guevara Jr.
September 2, 2007, SUN a.m.

      Sometimes people has no knowledge and understanding of the fact that the church has a great responsibilities to the pastor since they thought that the pastor is God’s servants, only hired just to take care of their needs.

      If there are duties of the Pastor to the church likewise there are also scriptural duties of the church toward their pastor.

      These are the seven basic duties of church toward its pastor:


     It was a touching story how Aaron and Hur stayed by the side of Moses, their leader, and held up his hands.”—Exodus 17:8-13.

     In a survey taken after a question asked several preachers, “What causes most to quit?” One of the most prominent answers was, “A lack of following.”

     Several ways a congregation can support its pastor:

1. Support him in his programs

2. Support him in prayer—II Thessalonians 3:2; Romans 15:30-31; Ephesians 6:18-19

3. Support him by not making unscriptural demands, such as demanding that he visit you personally on a regular basis, or by making demands on his wife.


     Another answer given to the question “What causes most to quit?” is “Financial pressures”. Financial pressure should not be the cause for a man giving up the ministry. If one does so, then perhaps the problem, is that he was not really called of God in the first place. However, financial struggles make his ministry, in fulfilling his duties towards God and the church, far more difficult.

     In I Corinthians 9:13-14, Paul mentions those ministers of holy things which refer to the Levites (Deuteronomy 26:10-13) and priests (Deuteronomy 26:2-4). The holy things Paul is talking about are the tithes (Leviticus 27:30) and the first fruit (Leviticus 23:20). Paul stated that they live of the things of the temple like those who are partakers with the altar as the priests takes the first fruit from the basket and set it down before the altar (Deuteronomy 26:2-4,10) and the tithes are given to and received by the Levites for the living (Deuteronomy 26:12-13). These Old Testament principles and practice is carried over into the New Testament when Paul said “,Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel.”

     The pastors are referred to as elders, the Bible says in I Timothy 5:17-18, “Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine.” There is a special reason why Pastors must be given double honor because they teach and preach the Word of God. The statement “worthy of double honor” makes it clear when the scriptures says he is “worthy of his reward.”

      A Godly rule that every church should have concerning the financial care of its pastor, should be to, “Pay him as much as we can, not the least we can get by with.” Free him of financial struggle as much as possible. The church should remember that the pastor’s duties and responsibilities are far heavier than the duties and responsibilities of any members in their particular jobs. His is the highest calling and the most important task in all the world. As far as possible, pay him accordingly.

       Instead of feeling envy help the Pastor

       Instead of thinking evil against him give him gifts.


     In Hebrew 13:7, the church should recognized and respect them which they God given authority that “rule over” them. The Bible says remember the human speaker who spoke not words of men but “spoken unto you the word of God.” The one reason we need to obey the Pastor because he himself “follow” what he teaches and we need to make his “conversation” or lifestyle as example to follow.

     In Hebrews 13:17 it says “Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves:” The word here “Obey” in greek is “peitho” means to convince, to rely, agree, believe, have confidence, trust, yield. Both words “obey” and “submit” has something to do with the authority given by God to the God called man.

     The church should and must obey him for he has an eternal responsibility and accountable before Godfor he “watch for your souls, as they that must give account,”. If you disobey him it can give him “grief that is unprofitable for you.”

      Paul said, “Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.”—I Corinthians 11:1. Nothing to beashamed to say “I am followers of man who follow God.”

     The proof that someone truly received the Word of God with the joy of the Holy Ghost is when he followed both the Lord and the God called man—I Thessalonians 1:6.

     Why not obey someone who overseer or take care of the welfare and feed the spiritual needs of the flock which is the church of God—Acts 20:28.

      Paul exhort young Timothy to have the authority to “command and teach”—I Timothy 4:11.


     If you know him, esteem him very highly in love—I Thessalonians 5:12-13. Church should know him who serve (labor) among them, who are above (over) them in the Lord, and edifying and instructing (admonish) them, then they must fully and highly show their sincere love to him.

     How can the church love the Pastor if they do not know what he is sacrificing for, what feeling he had for flock, what desire he had for them in the Lord.


     Since the bible teaches that elders or pastors are worthy of double honor and worthy of his reward (I Timothy 5:17-18) therefore we must not receive any accusation but before two or three witnesses.—I Timothy 5:19. Members who are being disciplined, not tolerated on their own way, or lack not allowed on their selfish demands are usually the people who attack the pastor who think that is the way they can retaliate or revenge their grudges.    

     No church member should stand idly by while someone, be it member or non-member, speaks unkindly of their pastor. It is their duty to come to Pastor’s defense. Church members should defend their pastor against unkind critics—Proverbs 25:23.    

     A third prominent answer to the question, “What causes most to quit,” was, “Attacks on the pastor’s personality.”

     A preacher must learn to die to personal criticisms. However, it is not easy, and God’s people should try to help him by not being unfairly critical, and by defending him against those who are critical and speak unkindly of him.


     There are pastors who perform the janitorial duties of their church, and others who make up bulletins, and do other menial tasks around the church building. Although many wonderful deacons, it is a pity that so many deacons refuse to do the one job given to them in scripture, that is to carry food to the widows and needy, and demand the pastor do that and other things. Like the decision of the 12 Apostles who have chosen seven man who are filled by the Spirit to do the menial and manual works so that the apostles can continually give themselves to prayer and to the ministry of the Word—Acts 6:1-7.    

     Free your pastor so that he can have his time to minister the gospel of Jesus Christ. Free him also of course by giving him the responsibilities and freedoms.

     In Philippians 2, Christianity today urgently needs more church members like Epaphroditus who was Paul’s “companion in labour,”, “messengers”, “ministered” to Paul’s wants—v. 25. Epaphroditus also like Paul has an intense emotional care as he “longed after you all.”—v.26. Remember, that God is merciful to those who help and assist their pastor—v.27. We need to give high regards for those who work hard in helping the ministry—v.28. For the sake and benefit of the work of Christ and privilege to supply the service the man of God needed, the humble servants is willing to give his life even unto death –v.30    

     In Romans 16, at verse 1 Paul commended Phebe for being a servant of the church. And in verse 3-4, Priscilla and Aquila were called Paul’s helpers in Christ Jesus, for they even laid down their own necks for Paul’s life.    



     Encourage your pastor in the ways that are mentioned and discussed previously. Encourage your pastor in these ways and by exhorting him to be the man God called him to be, the man he first presented himself to be, and the man the church first thought him to be.    

     Paul has a lot to thanks to God in prayer for the encouragement of the believers:    

     Paul desired and encouraged by their “fruit” of giving—Philippians 4:17         

     Paul was encouraged by their “work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.”—I Thessalonians 1:3         

     Paul was encouraged of their obedience and receiving the word of God with joy of the Holy Ghost—I Thessalonians 1:6         

     Paul was encouraged of their good examples and testimony—I Thessalonians 1:7         

     Paul was encouraged as they “turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God”—I Thessalonians 1:9         

     Paul was encouraged by seeing their patient waiting on the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ—I Thessalonians 1:10         

     Paul was encouraged and comforted by their faithfulness to the Lord—I Thessalonians 3:7=9