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James 4:13-17; James 4:14 

January 8, 2023 – SUN p.m. – MBC baesa
     Some fanaticizing what tomorrow are going to be like.
     However, fantasies never include negative, but realities do include negatives
Example: A lady saying “I am looking of the man of my dream (which in the first place it does not exist because our dreams do no have negatives, our dreams only have positive).
Example: A church member saying, “I am looking of the perfect church of my dream.”
     Realities has no chance to measure up the fantasies and that is why you are not happy.
     You cannot see fantasies you can only see the present.
Example: A woman always having divorce with her first, second, third, fourth, fifth husband (because the realities cannot measure fantasies and there are no negatives in fantasies.
Example: A man always making transfer from first, to second, to third, to fourth house and lot.
     The tomorrower never get comfortable anywhere.
     The tomorrower never comfortable in a job, in a home, in a church, in a school.
     The tomorrower says “there must be something out there better than these”
     Tomorrower cannot see tomorrow, but you can see today, so they never get comfortable.
     We must not be a tomorrower
     Jesus said "I am"
"I am the way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:6)
"I am the bread of life" (John 6:35)
"I am the good shepherd" (John 10:11)
"I am the light" (John 8:12)
"I am the resurrection" (John 11:25)
"Before Abraham was I am" (John 8:58)
     You let God take care of tomorrow, that is why serve Him today
     What you can do, do it to Jesus today
     Whatever you know, do it to Jesus today.
     Your happiness is basically in direct proportion to your satisfaction with your hopes of the present yesterday.
     Whatever your hope yesterday, today will be
     When today comes your happiness is determine on how close what your hope where to what realities is.
Example: On early 80’s, our church, Victory Baptist Church of Muntinlupa having almost weekly sparing game with the Las Pinas Baptist Church, our church VBC had a big winning margin on the score every game. But, during the actual games held at 1984 inter-church summer camp, we do not expect the LPBC beat our church VBC by only one shot.
Example: During 1993, my wife gave birth to our first baby girl. When the OB-GYN calls me as the father and told me “it’s a baby girl”, I am not hurt, because I did not force myself to expect a baby boy. 
     Just as you cannot see tomorrow, you cannot also see yesterday.
     Today cannot compete or compare with the memory of yesterday because you cannot see yesterday.
     The memory of yesterday is not accurate, and you do not remember all of yesterday.
     The better the Christian you are the less you know how you used to be.
     The more you grow in grace the more you forget the negatives of yesterday because you only see the good of yesterday, you cannot know adequately of yesterday.
     There were no “good old days” there must be a “good new day.”
Example: Soul’s salvation is offer today (II Corinthians 6:2 “(For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.)”
     Yesterdayer said they enjoy not that not, not like they used to enjoy yesterday in the church. But, the truth is, there are lots of people in that church that were enjoying like what the others enjoying yesterday.
Example: There are always problem in school, church, people, marriage, home, but you do not see that because you only remember the good old days.
     Yesterdayers want to predict God
     We want God to act He used to act. But, let God give us something new everyday.
     Don’t limit God of what He did yesterday, He has a fresh and new for today.
     Let God be God today and say, “I will be thankful today”, “I love God today”, “I am alive today”
                                                            “I will serve God today”, “I will be revived today”, “I will be a good influence”
                                                            “I will be faithful today not just active”, “I will be fervent and zealous today”
                                                            “I will be sanctified today”, “I will be supportive today”, “I will be loyal today”
     The todayer is that Pastor, member, wife, student, workers, that make themselves of being good.
     Todayer wants to have 100% assurance of salvation
     Todayer is always involved in tithing, his time, talents.
     Todayer is always thirst for God’s presence and power
     Todayer is always hungry for the Word of God
     Todayer does not have an attitude of doing something on tomorrow, always postponing thing.
     Use every today for your changes, for your spiritual strengthening, to be honest, for repentance, for doing good to everyone, for elevating your spiritual level, for getting close to God, etc.
     Use every minute of today to please God.
     Let be a todayer because God always have something to show you about His grace and love by having you a trouble today.
Example: Paul prayed to the Lord three times, but the Lord did not remove his thorn in the flesh instead the Lord said to Paul “my grace is sufficient” today (II Corinthians 12:7-10).
     Until you do not satisfy with today, you will never be happy.
     Don’t be a yesterdayer, don’t be a tomorrower, be a todayer!
     Be in love of today.